Pineville, Oregon
A 7.5 ft x 14 ft commissioned mural for a Facebook Data Center in Prineville, Oregon lobby was created with recycled computer motherboards, misc other computer parts and glass. This exciting mixed media piece is made up of 4 panels with a visual of the world map.
The inspiration for the Prineville, Oregon lobby mural was based on initial input to use a world map. The design developed into showing the power and reach of Facebook, nationally, globally, and beyond. The concept recognizes that Facebook is not just a global influencer, but reaches beyond as a universal force. The illustration shows the oceans surrounding the continents, the sky beyond that and finally the depths of space and the universe, all connected through Facebook and Prineville.
A quick turn-around, lots of long days and working into the night, early mornings for office work and then into the studio. Special shout out to my assistant on this project, Bill Brown. Once again the design concept to start us off on the right foot was created by my collaborator Debra Buchanan.